Untitled, StairwayUntitled, Mom Was Eighteen HereUntitled, Family RoomsUntitled, Uncle Tony in Mom's BedroomUntitled, Grandma Was Thirty HereUntitled, 90's CouchUntitled, Mom's Highschool GraduationUntitled, Four Floors UpUntitled, Family KitchensUntitled, Rug Meets CeilingUntitled, Basement to Roof WindowsUntitled, Exit Basement
Bending Dimensions
"Bianca Sanchez lives in enviable proximity to her relatives, in a contemporary urban version of village life. An uncle and aunt live upstairs while a cousin lives down, and numerous other family members live within five blocks. Sanchez sifted through old family photos for visual traces of the spaces in which she and her family have lived and projected the images on the walls there. Occasionally she layers images of the same place, so that in comparing the older picture and the new we observe the simple passage of time in one corner of a place called home by many people."

-Marina Berio

I have lived with my family within the same walls, doors, and ceilings for the past twenty-seven years. My whole life has been spent of days searching for solitude and realizing I'm never truly happy when I find it.